Loan Originators

A loan originator provides consumer loans to customers worldwide

AvaFin Holding

AvaFin Group is the primary partner of the Esketit Platform. The Holding's mission is to make money available. This goal is achieved by offering convenient and swift online consumer loans. Since its establishment in 2012, AvaFin Holding has consistently sought opportunities to expand its presence across diverse markets. Presently, its operations span five dynamic markets, including Spain, Mexico, Latvia, Czech Republic, and Poland. The company has 350+ employees, and a robust IT hub in Austria to support technological infrastructure.

The founders of AvaFin Holding , Davis Barons and Matiss Ansviesulis, are among the most successful Latvian entrepreneurs in the segment. AvaFin is backed by the VC Flint Capital as well as Capitec Bank (EUR 18m series B equity investment). Since its establishment in 2012, the company has remained profit-focused, consistently safeguarding its investors' capital without any recorded investor losses and payment delays.

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